
Exam Lab

A very complete exam simulator for any kind of exam for you study

English Portuguese Spanish

Where access?

You can access Exam Lab clicking here.

What is Exam Lab?

First of all, the exams must be in english because most of then are not available on many languagues, so I understand that is important to study on the same language you’ll do the exam.

Start your studies for free where and when you want. All exams availables are stored in assets/exams. Currently with 2 different modes for match your wants, you can study by answing the questions randomly without worry about time and get correct answer immeadialy or you can study by simulate which has 90 minutes to beat 60 random questions from your selected exam and you only get the result at the end.

Random Mode

Randomically generate a list of all questions then show one by one, select the best alterinative and it give you the correct one immedially after mark. Good for when you want make a fast study like flash-cards.

Simulator Mode

Generate a simulator for de exam, selecting random 60 questions to complete in 90 minutes. Then, after answer all questions and review, you’ll be able to finish exam, giving you the statistics of your try. Also, after the exam you’ll be able to check what did you wrong by review the exam.

Available Exams


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